It’s that time of year! Fall baking!! So I’m always on the lookout for a delish, yet easier, pumpkin cookie. I stumbled upon this recipe… Soft Pumpkin Sugar Cookies. This recipe is from “Simply Joy”. Let’s dive right in.

To start, this recipe requires few and simple ingredients. Ingredients include an egg yolk, flour, room temperature butter, and of course pumpkin puree! Nothing crazy and most of these ingredients I already had. As per the instructions, you mix the dry ingredients and the wet ingredients separately. Then you pour the wet ingredients with the dry ingredients. (The one thing that I did differently instead of adding only cinnamon, was adding pumpkin spice seasoning. I felt it would add more of a warm flavor and more of an “Autumn” taste ?)

Afterwards, they say to preheat your oven to 350 degrees and refrigerate the cookie dough for 20 minutes. (Which makes sense, especially when you have to form the cookie dough into balls.) Once out of the fridge, roll the dough into one inch sized balls. Roll in sugar. Place on a parchment lined baking sheet and press down slightly. Space the cookies about two inches apart. (They do bake at a decent size!) Bake for 15 minutes, rotating the pan halfway through the baking. (I forgot to rotate, but it did not affect the baking of the cookies.) Let cool on the pan for about two minutes before moving to a cooling rack to cool completely.

These cookies are absolutely amazing! Deliciously soft sugar cookies, full of pumpkin fall flavor! As you can see, they were a big hit and were almost all gobbled up! (There were more then what you see in this picture.) Definitely try this recipe. You will not be disappointed. Below is the website for these yummy cookies. Thanks for reading my review and continue to chomp away!
Recipe: https://www.simplejoy.com/pumpkin-sugar-cookies/
-Chomping Chica-